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Quantic molecular resonance scalpel and its potential applications in oral surgery. PDF Stampa E-mail
Mercoledì 02 Novembre 2011 15:50

Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Fornaini C, Rocca JP, Nammour S, Bonanini M.
Sezione di Odontostomatologia, CLOSPD, Università di Parma, Italy.


Quantic molecular resonance is a new technique that applies high frequency waves suitable for many surgical fields. It is a remarkable advance from conventional electrosurgery, and consists of non-traumatic cutting of tissue and gentle coagulation. The cut is achieved by the explosion of infracellular and intracellular liquids, that resonate with a special frequency. The temperature of the cut area and surrounding tissues is less than 45 degrees C, so no thermal injury results. Coagulation is by denaturation of fibrinogen at 63 degrees C, and not at (conventional) higher temperatures. The result is the elimination of scar tissue or keloid, with considerable aesthetic benefits and reduction in postoperative swelling and pain. The quantic molecular resonance scalpel is a device that is suitable for oromaxillofacial surgery and related specialist areas (such as periodontology, implantology, and paediatric oral surgery). Other specialties (such as ear, nose, and throat, dermatology, aesthetic surgery, and veterinary surgery) could also benefit from this new technique.


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